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First I`d like to explain what is this site about. I`ve managed to create a role-playing game with elements of Arena-fighting and so on and so on. Here you can play a Game, take a Quest, play a friendly fight at Arena… There are lots of ways, questions, puzzles, mysteries, and Digimon, of course, 4ever!There are only a few rules here, and I wish all the Digidestined to remember them.Here are some rules which first of all are important for section "Game”.They are also necessary for observing or even to try not especially noticeably be broken. When you enter the character and its partner into Game, please, as it is possible register their characters and appearance in the separately created topic in section " Histories of characters and Digimons. Try to show them as good as possible. Describe, how it has received a digivice, why, its character, advantages/disadvantages and so on. Write, where is he from. Dream! For one person - one theme. Do not write in another's character topic - allow the person think himself. Or use PM, please. B. Admin is allergic for verysupermegas, remember – all digidestined kids and their digimons at first time were not so powerfull. Also is not recommended to take children already existing in. Think up the character! You can make any digimon a partner of your`s, but remember – not all children have such power as Ryo does, so be carefull with choosing a partner. To play WITHOUT creation of such theme and acknowledgement of the administrator is strickly not recommended. It is better to solve mistake immediately, than live with it through all your Game. In role play GROUPS, they are typed in section " Game - Groups ". Without group can play only singles but then they should mention that they will play single. As an example - Ken (2 episode) or Math (1 episode). E. If you suddenly were late or group has gone without you - do not despair. Check up, whether there is other group, which has not gone yet, if there is no - create the group by yourself and wait for new Tamers. For now you can have a good time on Arena, or training your partner, or fighting with other tamer`s digimons. 1. If you write a post, do not leave at once and do not pass in other theme. That is, if at you on kitchen fried eggs burns slightly, you, certainly, can quickly remove it and eat (do not forget to salt), but then return and check up, whether there is an answer to your course. For example, when in role to you ask a question, and then for three days there is not a single post, it`s a little wierd. 2. Also if you are going to miss for a few days, mention it or explain where your character has gone.3. Think before writing. I know, not all of us are Jack Londons, but try to describe the situation as fine as possible. We are creating new stories, and their beauty depends on us.4. Skilled tamers, be more kind to new players. After all, we all were Rookies some time ago.5. Rating grows by activity in Game, Quest or Arena. Do not post a lot of useless messages, it leads only to remarks.6. If your partner digivolves, think, why, and describe it. Remember, that digimons at the beginning can`t even digivolve to Ultimate, no talking about burst-evolution. Crests, cards, DNA…7. Nowhere is allowed to destroy your enemy by one kick – only if fighting Rookie vs Mega. Describe fights as well as possible.